
S-World: 100 Questions & Answers.

What is S-World? An avatar based Virtual World, E-Commerce shopping network, business communication centre, social network & broadcasting company.

2. What? Well I need to break it down.

An Avatar based Virtual World

Like the SIMS? Similar but the towns In Proportion to a real place

Where will you render first? Cape Town

Why? I know the best locations

Have anyone done this before? Yes a few times, I saw one on CSI and heard of another where virtual property was actually bought and sold and recently a futuristic version V-World appeared in the Caprica series.

Futuristic version? Yes users are submerged within a holy gram and they can wander around without moving but feeling real

Like Ketamine? From what I have heard

Do you think S-World will develop to this level? Ask someone in the 1920’s if they thought in man would land on the moon?

Did you name S-World after V-World?

Does it stand for “Sienna World”

12. Did you want to make this to see an avatar version of Sienna grow up? No I wanted her flying around like an angel giving credits to whoever was near her.

13. Is this just a idea you thought up recently then? No I’ve been working on it since 2000AD

Development of S-World

14. When was S-World started? 2000

15. Where? London

16. What gave you the idea? I went to a Macromedia Lecture

17. Macromedia? Web development and Film editing Software. Adobe bought them

18. Why did you go to the lecture? I was trouble shooting bugs with the US development team and they told me about their new Flash programmer, so I went to their lecture.

19. And what did you see? A very advanced good looking Virtual Tour

What that? http://www.capevillas.com/CTG.shtml

21. Looks Nice? Thanks I went to graphic design then photography collages.

22. So you learnt how to do this at the lecture? No when I asked them, the visuals were displayed in “Director” only the music was compressed in flash?

23. Music? I’m spinning around by Kylie Minogue.

24. What was wrong with “Director”?  It was made for film editing, huge file sizes.

25. When did you start programming? 1987

26. What? Drum Machine

27. So how did you make the “Virtual Tour”? Well whilst Macromedia said It could not be done it could be simulated.

28. So what did you do? Look up open source flash action script sites and found an early spinning example, got a Java Script programmer to adapt it then made it look pretty.

29. When was this? 2001

30. Was it the first? In flash, with a map I think so?

31. Was it the best? Map animation and e-commerce wise yes, but visuals using Quick time were superior.

32. Did you integrate Quick Time? Yes

33. Can I see it? Looking for the files.

34. What did you do with it?

35. Took it to Multi choice to air on their new digital channels

36. Multi Choice? South Africa’s only Satellite TV network.

37. What happened? They said yes, but then we got side tracked making a travel

38. How would it have made money? Make it cover all of South Africa then link it to a GDS to make on line bookings for hotels and Safari’s

39. GDS? Global Distribution System, Galileo.

40. On line bookings, nothing special there? It was in 2003

41. So what happened? Ran out of development money

42. What happened then

43. Concentrated on generating development money through Cape Villas.com

44. Did you do make money? Not a lot

45. Why? Bad financial control

46. Is that what gave you your ideas for the Finance and Administration software you want Microsoft to develop? Yep

47.  Were the business lessons you leant over the next 7 years useful? Yes

48. So when did your virtual tour turn into the idea for S-World

49. It was considered within the early planning of the VIRGIN proposal

50. Was it then the priority like it is now? No

51. What Changed? A programming company I was interviewing to make a demo of the financial software has worked on a Venture Capital project gone wrong.

52. How much did they spend on it? $200M

53. Really? I have no idea, but it looks good

54. When can we see it? 8th of May I hope.

55. Why did the VC project not work? They did not know how to market it or make money from it?

56. So how will you market it? Amongst other things link it to FaceBook and Google Maps

57. So is this why you decided to work with Google? No they were already essential not blocking our web feed as duplicate content.

58. Was Google becoming the only essential partner for your business plan why you stopped talks with VIRGIN? No read: http://www.capevillas.com/sienna/Film_Scripts/Galactica_2017.html

59. How did you feel blowing a deal like that over a decision you made based on your conscience? Did not bother me, by that time there was a much larger business plan? It bothered Zenda and my parents though

60. How come? Well I’d submitted financial's to VIRGTIN showing a $42B 5 year return, but this was based of adapting my travel business plan to 100 other businesses and then adapting it to Big Businesses work? Yes, for every business type I can think off

61. Is that why you have cheeky asked scientific and an IQ society to consider claim it is a genuine contender for “The Theory of Every thing”? Come on, I have really only said “It’s the theory of, a little more than we know now” and even then, just economically.

62.  So what are you going to do just introduce, Google to the thought factory and show them this website? Pretty much.

63. Why have you not done that yet? Don’t have a contact

64. So you are giving it to them for free? No they give half the profit to “The SIENNA Foundation” a non profit organization aimed at stabilizing the Global Economy?

65. Does every associated company have to give 50%? Yep if they make profit

66. That’s a lot? Not really, Its instead of corporation tax

67. What if they don’t make profit? We will help them out, but the mere association with S-World and the business will near assure profitability.

68. What about companies that are not initially networked? We will have another action one or two yeas after, we really need 32 counties or regions for a good knock out tournament and 2 tear league, then maybe we have another auction or just buy any companies of strategic importance.

Shopping in S-World

69. Shopping? Fortunately the current version of what will be adapted to S-World already has a shopping network; you can walk into shops and look on shelves.

70. So people just walk into shops and buy stuff? Well that’s the basics

71. So what’s the not basics? Well how long have you got? Ok so you walk in and get greeted by an assistant.

72. A real person controlling the assistant?  That’s the idea if someone from the real office is at their computer they will get a note on their computer and an SMS

73. What about time zones? Well eventually people will be able to work for companies from home or dedicated offices specifically made as kind of call centers, but the call centre representative will have to have expert product knowledge, sometimes having to pass Psyche test’s to first find out what their best career is, then passing exams on product knowledge.

74. So what happens when the avatars meet? They say hello

75. What do the avatars look like? They can be rendered near perfectly or be a monkey if they wish, and they can change depending on their mood.

76. How can they communicate: though keyboards, phones, Skype, TV….

77. What next, give me an example? Ok let’s say its Une’s cloths shop?

78. Une?

79. Really. Yes she is also doing a degree in business marketing and has a small but successful clothing company, she goes to the East and buys in bulk then sells them in Cape Town

80. So how will the customer her cloths?

81. On Video, Catwalk and Cape Town locations, beach Mountains etc

82. How can she afford that? Well we will get her friends to model the cloths on Film catwalk style so people can have a really good look at what the their buying and get the filming integrated into our BVULGARI Book’s Magazines and Art Films.

83. Could Une’s shop be adapted to a much larger film database created by the consortium of Far East companies as Compulsory in the BIG 16? Yes but big business will have to have good customer service and an oversight committee to answer customer complaints.

84. What does Une think about all this? She’s only seen her profile page, likes it, and has not really considered it other than a nice Birthday present.

85. What did she say when you told her and showed her? I Can’t Act!

86. What did you say? Well were only a week away from approaching BVULGARI, I don’t think she realizes they are most exclusive brand in the world. Example. Their Sun Glasses cost twice the price of any other designer brand.

87. Really? In Cape Town for sure?

88. So will Une be able to approach big Far East companies with a proposal from S-World? Yeah, why not?

89. How will people find Une’s Shop? It will be rendered in S-World

S-World Virtual Real Estate

90. Where? Where the Raj Indian Restaurant on Camps Bay, Beachfront Strip, Cape Town, South Africa.

91. But it’s a Restaurant? No In V-World its shop front is a designer clothing Shop. The only similarity is the size and dimensions of the interior.

92. Why the Raj Restaurant in particular? Well they need more customers.

93. Really? No, it’s a big shop in arguably the best position on the Strip

94. Camps Bay Strip? http://www.capevillas.com/CTG.shtml Click on the Camera under Camps Bay.

95. I can’t see the shops, there over the beach on the other side of the road.

96. How many? 30 or so, and in the rest of Camps Bay? About 7

97. So there’s not a lot of Virtual Shop frontage in Camps Bay. No

98. So will Camps Bay be the first place realised to the Public on S-World? Yes.

99. And you’re going to give FaceBook a cut of every sale, so they move their development priority to make money from S-World? Now you’re getting it. Their will be so many people wanting to visit Camps Bay, In fact I’m toying with the idea of restricting the victors to make it more exclusive, Tourist will be put on a wait list.

100. What about the Night Club’s and stuff? We will be filming live and talking to the clubbers.